EKS – Dewatering Technology process test results demonstrate clearly that the overall impact of EKS-DT will be to improve the long-term sustainability of Alberta’s oil sands industry.
Social Responsibility
The EKS-DT process is clearly socially superior to current technologies on all counts:
- Eliminates current environmental liabilities in the near term
- Prevents the build up of future environmental and economic liabilities
- Reduces the risk of long-term climate change
- Transfers tailings cleanup costs to present consumers
The EKS-DT process is clearly superior to current technologies on all counts from a regulatory perspective
- Allows the Lower Athabasca Region – Tailings Management Framework to be fully implemented as originally intended
- Eliminates the regulatory and technical uncertainty associated with end-pit lakes
- Allows immediate responses to more stringent future regulations
- Reduces greatly the risks associated with current technologies (e.g. offspec product)
- Reduces significantly the need for water withdrawals
To learn more, visit the Benefits of EKS-DT Process page.